Connected by 25: A Plan for Investing in the Social, Emotional and Physical Well-Being of Older Youth in Foster Care (2013)

The FCWG published its first investment agenda in 2003, Connected by 25: A Plan for Investing in Successful Futures for Foster Youth. That document called for a series of investments to support the economic success of young people transitioning from foster care at a time when issues related to education, workforce development, financial literacy, and asset development received little attention.

This investment agenda seeks to bring a similar focus to the critical issue of social, emotional, and physical well-being by leveraging and advancing new and emerging interest within and outside the federal government and research and advocacy communities to improve well-being outcomes for transitioning youth.


Small Foundations, Big Wins: A Guide to Making Smart Choices About Grantmaking for Vulnerable Youth (2013)


Eduployment: Creating Opportunity Policies for America's Youth (2013)