The Youth Transition Funders Group (YTFG) is a national network of funders who work together to support the well-being and economic success of young people ages 14 to 25 who are most held back and farthest from opportunity, including those who have experience in the foster care or youth justice systems, who have been disconnected from school or work, or who have experienced homelessness. 

YTFG funders learn from each other and other experts in the field, stay abreast of new research and key policy developments, inform and influence policy and practice, and foster collaborative approaches to grant making. We support peer networking and sharing, create key partnerships with leaders in the field, and provide strategic opportunities to leverage and extend the efforts of individual members.

Network Members

YTFG provides a vibrant and active community for approximately 100 national, regional, and community funders. Our members include: 

Steering CommiTtee

YTFG is advised by an active Steering Committee that provides overall direction for the network.

  • Elizabeth Cheung

    Senior Program Officer
    Conrad N. Hilton Foundation

  • Tonyel Edwards

    Steering Committee Chair
    Bridgespan Group

  • Leslie Gross

    Steering Committee Chair
    Director, Family Well-Being Strategy Group
    Annie E. Casey Foundation

  • Fatima Juarez

    YTFG Fellow

  • Lyman Legters

    Senior Director
    Casey Family Programs

  • Angela LoBue

    Senior Program Officer
    Conrad N. Hilton Foundation  

  • Albert Maldonado

    Program Officer
    California Endowment

  • Aazia-Marie Ross

    YTFG Fellow

  • Amy Price

    Program Executive
    Zellerbach Family Foundation

  • Vannesa Santos

    YTFG Fellow

  • Diane Sierpina

    Director of Justice Initiatives
    The Tow Foundation

  • Casey Trupin

    Director, Youth Homeless
    Raikes Foundation

  • Roy Williams

    Senior Program Officer
    Greater New Orleans Foundation

Steering CommitTee

YTFG is advised by an active Steering Committee that provides overall direction for the network.

  • Elizabeth Cheung

    Senior Program Officer
    Conrad N. Hilton Foundation

  • Tonyel Edwards

    Steering Committee Chair
    Bridgespan Group

  • Leslie Gross

    Steering Committee Chair
    Director, Family Well-Being Strategy Group
    Annie E. Casey Foundation

  • Fatima Juarez

    YTFG Fellow

  • Lyman Legters

    Senior Director
    Casey Family Programs

  • Angela LoBue

    Senior Program Officer
    Conrad N. Hilton Foundation  

  • Albert Maldonado

    Program Officer
    California Endowment

  • Aazia-Marie Ross

    YTFG Fellow

  • Amy Price

    Program Executive
    Zellerbach Family Foundation

  • Vannesa Santos

    YTFG Fellow

  • Diane Sierpina

    Director of Justice Initiatives
    The Tow Foundation

  • Casey Trupin

    Director, Youth Homeless
    Raikes Foundation

  • Roy Williams

    Senior Program Officer
    Greater New Orleans Foundation

2023-2025 Fellows

YTFG is committed to authentic partnership with young adults in all aspects of our work. An important way in which YTFG partners with young adults is through our selective Fellowship Program.

The overall goal of the YTFG Fellowship Program is to inform and strengthen YTFG’s learning and actions while concurrently supporting Fellows in self-identified personal and professional growth opportunities.

Our Fellows have direct knowledge, expertise, and experience and partner with YTFG funders to actively share their perspectives and ideas with our network. In their three-year fellowship, our Fellows play key leadership roles in the network, plan and lead a network meeting, and complete a philanthropy project where they design their own grantmaking initiative and investment strategies.

Consulting Team

YTFG is supported by a team of consultants that have an unparalleled breadth and depth of knowledge and expertise in the array of youth-serving systems our members seek to transform.

  • Barbara Langford

    YTFG Director

    Barbara is a founder of Mainspring Consulting, a firm that works with foundation and public sector leaders to design initiatives for children, youth and families, leverage resources in support of their goals, and develop effective plans to move from good thinking to action. Barbara regularly works with funder affinity groups, technical assistance collaboratives, state networks and local coalitions to help leaders identify shared goals, strategically develop plans to leverage resources and act collectively. Barbara is a seasoned facilitator with experience designing and supporting effective planning processes focused on organizational development, strategic financing, and sustainability. Barbara is the former Vice President for Tools, Technical Assistance and Training at The Finance Project, and has held positions at Families USA, the Massachusetts State Women’s Commission, and the US Department of Justice’s Child Exploitation and Obscenity Section.

  • Dianna Walters-Hartley

    YTFG Fellowship Coordinator

    Dianna Walters-Hartley serves as the Fellowship Coordinator for YTFG, overseeing all aspects of the fellowship program for the network. Dianna is a recognized expert in shaping national and state policy, an experienced author and a skilled educator. Content areas in which Dianna has extensive expertise include child welfare policy, positive youth development, trauma recovery, adolescent brain development, adolescent health, youth in transition and foster care and adoption. She has successfully managed major grant-funded policy and research projects and served as a national, state and local spokesperson.

  • Jennifer Miller

    Foster Care Work Group Lead Consultant

    Jennifer Miller is a social worker, child advocate and founding partner of ChildFocus. Previously, Jennifer was a strategic consultant with Cornerstone Consulting Group where she led its child welfare policy and practice work in the areas of kinship care, workforce development and permanency planning. Jennifer also worked on a broad range of issues at the Annie E. Casey Foundation, including developing their approach to investment in state and federal policy reform. Jennifer began her human services career at the American Public Welfare Association (APWA), now the American Public Human Services Association (APHSA), where she developed and analyzed federal legislation and regulations on child welfare issues and served as project manager for the National Association of Child Welfare Administrators (NAPCWA). Jennifer is a certified coach and works with individuals facing career and personal life transitions.

  • Stephanie Malia Krauss

    Economic Well-Being Work Group Lead Consultant

    Stephanie Malia Krauss is an educator, social worker, and leading voice on what kids need to thrive now and in the future. Through her consulting shop, First Quarter Strategies, Stephanie works with US-based networks, coalitions, philanthropies, nonprofits, government organizations, schools, and community groups. She is the author of the bestselling book Whole Child, Whole Life: 10 Ways to Help Kids Live, Learn, and Thrive and Making It: What Today’s Kids Need for Tomorrow’s World. Stephanie’s work and writing have been featured on NPR, PBS, Insider, and more. Stephanie is a senior fellow with the CERES Institute for Children & Youth at Boston University and Education Northwest.

  • Carrie Rae Boatman

    Youth Justice Work Group Lead Consultant

    Carrie Rae Boatman is a strategic advisor and consultant to philanthropic and social justice organizations across the U.S., bringing three decades of experience in policy reform, philanthropic strategy, coalition-building, and organizational leadership. Since founding her consultancy in 2009, Carrie Rae has worked with a wide variety of grantmaking foundations, pooled funds, funder coalitions, and advocacy organizations to develop advanced advocacy techniques and non-traditional funding strategies to achieve policy wins that advance equity for young people. Clients have included the Youth First Justice Collaborative, Youth Transition Funders Group, Atlantic Philanthropies, Ford Foundation, Open Society Foundations, Annie E. Casey Foundation, Andrus Family Fund, Public Welfare Foundation, and others. Previously, Carrie Rae served as staff at the Annie E. Casey Foundation where she developed a new grantmaking portfolio to advance policy advocacy strategies that promoted the Foundation’s efforts to reform juvenile justice systems, and launched a national decarceration campaign strategy. She also served as a director at the Rockit Fund, a New York-based 501(c)(4) organization focused on criminal justice, juvenile justice, and electoral system reform; as the regional executive director of NARAL Pro-Choice Pennsylvania; and held leadership positions at Teach for America and several other regional organizations. Carrie Rae resides in Seattle, WA with her partner where she enjoys hiking, gardening, and baking.