The Youth Transition Funders Group (YTFG) is a national network of funders who work together to support the well-being and economic success of young people ages 14 to 25. We prioritize young people who are most held back and farthest from opportunity, including those who have experienced the foster care or youth justice systems or homelessness and who have been disconnected from school or work. We seek to ensure that young people have lifelong family, personal, and community connections and the opportunities and tools to succeed throughout adulthood.

The Youth Transition Funders Group (YTFG) is a national network of funders who work together to support the well-being and economic success of young people ages 14 to 25 who are most held back and farthest from opportunity, including those who have experienced the foster care or youth justice systems, who have been disconnected from school or work, or who have experienced homelessness. We seek to ensure that all young people have lifelong family, personal, and community connections and the opportunities and tools to succeed throughout adulthood.
Learning Series
These multi-session virtual learning opportunities provide members with opportunities to delve deeply into a topic affecting all young people transitioning to adulthood. These series are intentionally intersectional and cross-cutting in design.
Action Tables
Members seeking to engage with colleagues around specific strategies can join or form an Action Table. These action tables include co-investment opportunities, like our current Fund for the Education Success of Students Experiencing Homelessness, Child Welfare, and Juvenile Justice (FES) group, as well as influence opportunities through our Policy Action Table.
Work Groups
YTFG operates three dedicated work groups for members wanting to connect with colleagues on system-specific strategies and issues. Our work groups provide opportunities for deep dive conversations related to foster care, youth justice and economic well-being.
Learning Series
These multi-session virtual learning opportunities provide members with opportunities to delve deeply into a topic affecting all young people transitioning to adulthood. These series are intentionally intersectional and cross-cutting in design.
Action Tables
Members seeking to engage with colleagues around specific strategies can join or form an Action able. These action tables include co-investment opportunities, like our current Funders for Educational Success group, as well as influence opportunities through our Policy Action Table.
Work Groups
YTFG operates three dedicated work groups for members wanting to connect with colleagues on system-specific strategies and issues. Our work groups provide opportunities for deep dive conversations related to foster care, youth justice and economic well-being.

Get to know our
Well-being framework
Our well-being investment framework was developed by our members, in partnership with leading researchers, policy leaders, and young adults. Building upon work underway in the fields of child welfare, youth justice, education, employment, and health, the YTFG Well-being Framework harnesses the network’s collective experience and growing knowledge and understanding of youth who experience multiple public systems. The result is a unifying framework for all youth-serving systems and settings, to work toward the well-being and well-becoming of our nation’s young people.
YTFG Network
2025 Spring Meeting | April 1 - 3
New Orleans, LA
Partners in Change
Engaging Young People as Professionals in Efforts to Advance Well-Being in Equitable and Conscious Ways
2025 FALL Meeting | OCTOBER 14 - 16
Save the date for YTFG’s 2025 Fall Meeting!